Some people dread Friday the 13th, but how could we be superstitious when this weekend has even more fabulous music than usual!
Our revelry starts in Printer’s Alley with Penny Pitchers Brunch at one of our favorite downtown hotels, Noelle. Fabulous food served in opulent digs and yes, mimosa pitchers ARE just a penny. We plan to linger here with the locals and visitors alike awaiting Chef Nell’s lasagna night at 5:00 in preparation for a couple of acts that we follow.
Funky, jazzy High Fade is playing at The Basement and ever melodious Stevie Ray takes the stage at Tin Roof at 10:30. Ready for bed with melodies still buzzing in our head, an awesome hot chocolate nightcap at Tempered Chocolates seems to be a perfect way to end the day.
Lulu and I love our gardens, so on Saturday we plan to pick up a steaming macchiato at Boots and Good Co. enroute to Cheekwood for a master class on Gardening in Small Spaces. This should be especially cool since we will be doing it during a full solar eclipse happening between 10:30 and 1:30 that day.
When the lights come back on, we will saunter the afternoon away retro rummaging through the Vintage Market at the fairgrounds searching for long forgotten mementos from our misspent youth. Shopping always gives us an appetite and our best bet to tame it will be some street tacos at Saint Anejo’s while repeating uno mas cerveza, por favor. We plan to end our day at Rudy’s Jazz Room, where the musical prodigy Margherita Fava will astound us with her creative, communicative piano jazz.
Sunday will be “turn the alarm clock off” day. Wait a minute, we’re retired. We don’t even own an alarm clock! Anyway, we plan to sleep in until “National Shawarma Day” begins at Assembly Food Hall for lunch. I have had the shawarma here and let me tell you, the flavor structure is legit, complex and challenging, with just the right amount of heat. Refueled, we now have the energy to bob and weave our way through the hoards on Broadway on our way to Tennessee Performing Arts Center to catch the “Girls Gotta Eat: Snack City Tour,” enveloped by sweet honky tonk pandemonium. Then, home to rest for the upcoming week ahead, grateful that we survived Friday the13th. Thanks Nashville!