Roasted Duck
A long time favorite of food loyalists in Atlanta is Babette’s Cafe. Named for the classic Isak Dinesen story and film, “Babette’s Feast,” chef owner Marla Adams has weathered every storm and rocked through the pandemic. She is a true creative food wonder and understands the charm of a small setting enhanced by the same people who lovingly and professionally serve mouth-watering dishes and drinks. The roasted duck is crispy, flavorful and moist as you mumble …. unintelligibly … mmmmm … while savoring each bite with the creamy, yummy, horseradish mashed potatoes. Perfect combo, not to mention my Cotes du Rhone. Another star of the menu, and there are many, is the chicken liver pate. Can I hear an amen?! Food like this is such a joy to experience. Served with a date jam, crispy toast and small slivers of shallots, every single bite sent me to food oblivion.