San Antonio, TX
San Antonio, TX

Chicken Puffy Taco

Rays Drive Inn

Chicken Puffy Taco

Rays Drive Inn
822 SW 19th Street
San Antonio, Texas, 78207
(210) 432-7171

As I awaited my first puffy taco, I wondered exactly what the puffy meant? Am I going to feel like Puff Daddy, the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, or Puff the Magic Dragon? I did not have time to analyze it any further before the question was answered. The taco shell had been fried to form large airy crispy bubbles. No dry lifeless shell taste here. Ray deep fat fries a corn tortilla producing crispy crunchy puffy goodness. The chicken fajita’s seasoning was distinctive, bold, and could easily stand alone on its own flavor profile. I added a little bit of queso and guac and man was this thing a super light meal! I can now return to Nashville with my my chest puffed out and my head puffed up because I found this hidden gem. Maybe that’s what the puffy stands for. Good job Ray!


Brad Blankenship

Brad Blankenship is a retired integrative medicine doctor who has resided in Nashville for over 50 years. He, along with his wife Lulu Burns-Keller travel the US in search of new flavors. Together, they write, photograph and review for Beyondish in the Nashville area and beyond.


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