
Anna Belle and Lila Mae Skidmore, from Murfreesboro, Tennessee (30 miles southeast of Nashville), are bringing a healthy twist to a beloved snack. After Anna Belle learned she had a gluten allergy, she found herself missing snacks that she used to enjoy, such as cake, cinnamon rolls and other gluten-filled foods. Anna Belle and Lila Mae began researching alternative snacks that they could both enjoy without feeling guilty. That’s when they remembered making granola as kids. They created a healthy, gluten-free granola, and after sharing some batches, the Skidmore sisters began receiving orders for their product.

“It started as a summer side hobby,” Anna Belle said. “We would always make granola for ourselves growing up, so, we were like, if other people want to try it, we will give them the opportunity to.”

When the idea struck them to start selling their granola, they created the website that day. They named the business “Granola’d.” In the first week the sisters sold over 220 bags. They realized Granola’d had potential and brought their business ideas to the College of Business at Lipscomb University in Nashville, where Anna Belle enrolled as an Education major. It was during this time that the Skidmores finalized Granola’d’s mission and realized they wanted Granola’d to be their career.

“At Granola’d, we want to provide a snack that is healthy and fueling so that you can live life to the fullest,” said Lila Mae, who followed her sister to Lipscomb and is a Public Relations major. Now, the Skidmore sisters have nothing but gratitude for what they’ve accomplished. They added that even the obstacles they’ve had to overcome have made them thankful.

“There is always something to be grateful for,” Lila Mae said. “All the opportunities, all the mentors, all the customers – everything that has been provided for us has come from God. We don’t deserve any of it, but it is an amazing opportunity.” The Skidmore sisters are hoping to expand Granola’d by renting a certified kitchen in Nashville. Upon Anna Belle’s graduation next spring, they plan to make Granola’d a profitable, full-time job. For now, though, Anna Belle and Lila Mae want Granola’d to continue to be a healthy food infused with love.

Granola’d can be purchased at


Ann Sowell

Ann Sowell is a college student at Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee studying Public Relations.


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