Boston, MA
Boston, MA

Ice Cream Sundae

Cabot's Ice Cream & Restaurant

Ice Cream Sundae

Cabot's Ice Cream & Restaurant
743 Washington Street
Newton, Massachussetts, 02460
(617) 964-9200

Cabot’s is a favorite to place to go no matter how old or young you are. It reminds me of the old-fashioned ice cream shops of my New York childhood. It’s where this chocoholic learned that a strawberry ice cream sundae (strawberry or strawberry chunk ice cream) is an unrecognized classic. Whether you eat at the counter, a table or take it out, the taste of the strawberries in the sauce and ice cream, along with the chocolate chips that grace the top, somehow magically finds its way down into the sundae. My perfect bite starts with the whipped cream and goes down the side, trying to get the right combination of whipped cream, sauce and ice cream. It reminds me I can still have a piece of my childhood.


carol sneider

Mother, grandmother, breast cancer advocate, baker, dessert and food lover! Trying to find the time to write an Italian cookbook.



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