Lansing, MI
Lansing, MI

Goat Cheese & Arugula Pizza

Horrocks Brick Oven Pizzeria

Goat Cheese & Arugula Pizza

Horrocks Brick Oven Pizzeria
7420 W. Saginaw Highway
Lansing, Michigan, 48917
(517) 220-4369

When I’m craving pizza, it’s usually for the insanely delicious Goat Cheese & Arugula pie from Horrocks Brick Oven Pizzeria. You’ll find it inside Horrocks Farm Market, a staple in Lansing, MI for more than 60 years. Going there is like visiting an indoor festival for the senses. There’s live music, gardens, a gelato bar, food trucks, wine tasting, meats, produce, gourmet cheeses and more. Horrocks’ recent-addition pizzeria is a popular standout. They offer twelve tasty classic pies (Deluxe, Meat Lovers) and ten unique and flavorful specialty pies (B.L.T., Crab, Buffalo Fried Chicken). My pie is topped with fig spread, fresh mozzarella, sausage, goat cheese, roasted red peppers, and then finished with arugula after it’s baked. It’s a perfect mix of sweet, savory and spicy. As the spokesperson for Salivation Nation, I highly recommend this succulent circular sensation.


Mr. Joe Walker

Mr. Joe Walker is excited to be writing for Beyondish. An entertainment journalist and bio writer for more than 20 years, he is the co-founder, Managing Editor and a writer for He’s also obsessed with cookies, ice cream and cheesy pasta. Follow him on Twitter @mrjoewalker.



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