Berkeley, CA
Berkeley, CA

Funghi Pizza

Zut! Tavern

Funghi Pizza

Zut! Tavern
1820 Fourth Street
Berkeley, California, 94710
(510) 644-0444

This restaurant on bougie 4th Street in Berkeley might want to rename itself Yum! – unless Zut! means that in another language. Zut’s funghi pizza is a spectacular example of how just a few high quality ingredients can elevate a common food to new heights. But note I didn’t say “simple” ingredients. We all can find gourmet mushrooms and one of those tiny bottles of truffle oil lying around, but do you have Crema di cipolle, Ricotta salata and Grana Padano cheese in your pantry? I am now on the hunt for onion cream (that’s the crema di cipolle) and the formaggio, too, because I just might try to recreate this sublime thin-crust pizza.  Or, simply head back to Berkeley.


Ken Carlton

Ken Carlton, founder and editor-in-chief of Beyondish, is the author of six books, including "Food for Marriage." He was co-writer of "The Hunger" with Chef John DeLucie, a memoir about New York’s Waverly Inn. "The Hunger" was a Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers selection. Ken writes the Man in the Kitchen column for Inspirelle Paris.



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